1. To learn details and to purchase our products, use menu on the left.
2. We sell "Direct-To-Consumer" only, and do not offer any
3. To purchase 3+ items in a
single order, always e-mail for a quote.
4. Ordering, payments, refunds, shipping and tracking
information. Link
5. We only ship to the 48 contiguous states, Alaska and Hawaii.
6. Most of your questions are already answered in our FAQ.
Our 2020 Borka Torque Driver (BTD), made
in the U.S.A., incorporates an adjustment range from 10 to 70
inch-lbs. in 1 inch-lb. increments. BTD is
the significantly updated version of 2015 Adjustable Torque Driver (ATD).
Click menu item
"Adjustable torque driver kits" to
purchase these kits.
Precision Torque Limiter (PTL) kits are available as "off-the-shelf"
PTL is preset to a single torque setting and is not adjustable by the user.
Click menu item
"Precision torque limiters kits" to purchase these
Check out "Firearms Maintenance Tools" web page to learn about available accessories and to purchase Borka Tools high quality screwdriver bits kits.
Recent videos provide detailed information about BTD, PTL and combo kits.
Click picture on the left to play video 1. Video category: Instructions 2. Video provider: X-Ring Channel on Youtube 3. Video duration: 6 minutes 4. Video description: How to set up and use BTD |
Click picture on the left to play video 1. Video category: Instructions 2. Video provider: X-Ring Channel on Youtube 3. Video duration: 5 minutes 4. Video description: How to set up and use PTL |
Ordering, payments, refunds, shipping and tracking info:
Unless you want to order a custom tool kit, use our online shopping cart, which works with PayPal, credit and debit cards. If your order is estimated to be above $500 or includes more than 3 items, please contact us for payment instructions and shipping charge estimates. If you accidently ordered the wrong item(s), see our refunds policy.
Your order will be shipped in no more than 5 business days upon payment receipt. You will then receive automatically generated notification from service@paypal.com with "More details on your shipment" as a subject, containing all shipping information related to your order. If you've paid by USPS money order, you will receive an e-mail with shipping information directly from Borka Tools. But if you did not receive PayPal shipping notification after 5 business days since you've placed your order, please feel free to contact us, and we'll provide shipping and tracking information for your order.
Our shipping charge is $12.00 for 1 item, $15.00 for 2 items and $18.00 for 3 items.
If the total number of items is more than three (3), do not use
"Add to Cart" buttons. Instead, contact us by e-mail for a quote and
payment options.
We do not ship to any destinations outside the 50 U.S. states areas,
we do not ship to any mail, package and freight forwarding outfits
in the U.S.,
and we will not be providing any warranty and
or techical support for
our products, which are located outside these U.S. states.